REMARKS ON THE FUTURE: Thomas Silberhorn – Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Defence of Germany

November 13th, 2018|

After the panel on 100 years of independence in Europe, Thomas Silberhorn, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Defence of Germany, took the stage to give his remarks on the future of Europe. He emphasized the importance of unity and a values-based approach for a stronger and more resilient European Union.

European defense programs, NATO adaptation to the Russian threat and balance sheet of U.S. Allies – new reports presented at Warsaw Security Forum 2018

November 6th, 2018|

At the Warsaw Security Forum 2018 the Casimir Pulaski Foundation presented three new reports: „European offensive in defense sphere – EDF, PESCO and CARD”, „From Newport to Brussels – NATO adaptation to the Russian threat” and „Balance Sheet of U.S. Allies and Implication for Alliance Policy”. All reports are available on the Pulaski Foundations websites.

Become a WSF2018 volunteer!

July 23rd, 2018|

Are you interested in international security issues? Become a WSF2018 volunteer! Meet top politicians and security experts as well as increase your professional skills within Warsaw Security Forum 2018.