Jamila Schäfer
Member of the Bundestag, Germany

Since 2013: Studies in sociology with a minor in philosophy at the LMU Munich and Goethe University Frankfurt
2012 - 2013: Law studies at the LMU Munich
2003 - 2011: Attended the Bertolt-Brecht-Gymnasium in Munich, graduated from high school
1999 - 2003: Attended the elementary school at Canisiusplatz
Photo and bio source : https://www.bundestag.de/abgeordnete/biografien/S/schaefer_jamila-860330
Jamila Schäfer
Member of the Bundestag, Germany

Since 2013: Studies in sociology with a minor in philosophy at the LMU Munich and Goethe University Frankfurt
2012 - 2013: Law studies at the LMU Munich
2003 - 2011: Attended the Bertolt-Brecht-Gymnasium in Munich, graduated from high school
1999 - 2003: Attended the elementary school at Canisiusplatz
Photo and bio source : https://www.bundestag.de/abgeordnete/biografien/S/schaefer_jamila-860330