The WSF High-Level Expert Groups provide international expertize in three key areas important for the Warsaw Security Forum programming: foreign policy, defence and Energy/Resiliance.

In 2024 the WSF High-Level Expert Groups works together on a research project dedicated to the operationality of the Weimar Triangle format. A group of German, French and Polish practitioners and policy-makers are crafting advocacy causes in three thematic areas:

  • Foreign Policy
  • Defense
  • Energy/ Resilience

The work of the groups will be incorporated into the “2024 Warsaw Security Forum Annual Report”, as well as reflected in the programming of the conference. The group chairs and experts will have the opportunity to present the work findings at the conference.

The goal of WSF 2024 Report is to draft concrete proposals for the initiatives for the Weimar Triangle along with a roadmap and milestones for their implementation that can be later used by decision makers and experts from France, Poland and Germany as well as all other interested countries.

As the Report from the last year available under this link was dedicated for the advocacy causes for the Central and Eastern Europe, this year it is time to build up on a political momentum of the Weimar format and galvanize it’s long term operationality.

Foreign Policy

Group Members:


Arnaud Danjean

Special Advisor to the Prime Minister (2024), Member of the European Parliament (2009-2024), France


Anton Hofreiter

Member of the Bundestag, Chair of the Committee on European Affairs, Germany


Paweł Kowal

Member of the Polish Sejm, Government Plenipotentiary for Polish-Ukrainian Development Cooperation, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Poland


Dietmar Nietan

Member of the Bundestag, Coordinator of German‑Polish Intersocietal and Cross‑Border Cooperation, Germany


Group Members:


Bogdan Klich

Senator, Chair of Foreign Affairs and EU Committee, Senate, Poland


Claudia Major

Head of the Research Division on International Security, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Germany


Rolf Nikel

Vice President, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Germany


Paweł Poncyljusz

Poseł na Sejm IV, V, VI i IX kadencji (2001–2011, 2019–2023), wiceminister gospodarki (2006–2007)

Resilience: Energy & Climate

Group Members:


Michał Kurtyka

Chair of the Energy Security and Climate Track, Warsaw Security Forum, Minister of Climate and Environment (2019-2021), Poland