Casimir Pulaski Foundation is a leading Polish think-tank specializing in foreign policy and international security.
Due to the dynamic development of the annual high-level conference – Warsaw Security Forum, which is a platform for dialogue on international security policy between the European Union and NATO, we are looking for candidates for the following positions:

20 hours per week  / 2 or 3 months

Casimir Pulaski Foundation offers unpaid trainees in its Warsaw office. Trainees last from 8 to 12 weeks and include 20 hours a week. 

During the trainee, there is a possibility of free participation in some events organized by the Casimir Pulaski Foundation and its sister foundation - the European Academy of Diplomacy.

Cooperation ends with the issuance of a certificate of completed trainee and in the case of exceptionally successful cooperation also a recommendation.

At the moment we are looking for:

  • Trainee in Operations Department and as a support to:

Katarzyna Pisarska Chair of Warsaw Security Forum

Aleksandra Trzcińska Head of the Organizing Committee of Warsaw Security Forum

dates: July, August, September + Warsaw Security Forum (1-2.10.2024)

During this trainee you will have the opportunity to support  Prof. Katarzyna Pisarska and Aleksandra Trzcińska in the process of preparing 11th edition of Warsaw Security Forum. You will also become a team member of the Operations Department where you will have a chance to enlarge your knowledge and skills.

  • Trainee as a support to Warsaw Security Forum team

1st slot: July, August

2nd slot: August, September + Warsaw Security Forum (1-2.10.2024)

During this trainee you will have the opportunity to get to know the know-how of organizing high level conferences. Becoming a team member of Operations Department means to have a chance to improve your organization skills but also enlarge your knowledge and experience in international affairs, worldwide security and defence, energy and global outlook.

Sample tasks for both roles:

  • support for permanent projects of the Foundation, such as the Warsaw Security Forum
  • support for the organization of events: conferences, debates, expert seminars
  • taking notes, event reports, website posts, social media content
  • contribution to the development of the Foundation: improving procedures, documents, graphics, supplementing databases, etc.
  • cooperation with a person responsible for logistics (transportation and hotel) during Warsaw Security Forum
  • writing and sending: invitations, formal correspondence and official documents


  • fluent knowledge of English and Polish in oral and writing
  • education: completed at least the first year of bachelor's studies; preferred majors: international relations, European studies, law, economics, but also computer graphics, IT or related
  • very good knowledge of MS Office package
  • good editing skills and correspondence in Polish and English
  • knowledge of current issues in the field of international security, international relations or the defense industry
  • high independence, commitment and conscientiousness in performing tasks
  • organizational skills
  • great competence in interpersonal communication
  • good manners.

The Casimir Pulaski Foundation (CPF) offers the opportunity to volunteer at the Warsaw Security Forum during the 1st and 2nd October 2024. The Volunteering program is unpaid and will last 3 to 4 days (including the training sessions in the run up to the event).

Volunteers will have the opportunity to participate in one of the biggest security conferences in the region, network with its participants and participate in some workshops organized by the Casimir Pulaski Foundation and its sister foundation – the European Academy of Diplomacy.

At the end, the volunteer will be awarded a certificate acknowledging his/her work at WSF 2024.

There are different roles that the volunteers can take during the Warsaw Security Forum:

  • Supervising the conference rooms
  • Collaborating with the media
  • Registering WSF participants
  • VIP Liaison Officer
  • Attending at the information desk and helping participants
  • Airport service
  • Assisting with the WSF coverage on its social media channels
  • Supervising the smooth functioning of the dedicated online platform


  • Very good knowledge of English (at least level C1);
  • Knowledge of Polish language is an asset
  • Education: Completion of at least one year of undergraduate studies; preferred programs: International Relations, European studies, law, economics, journalism, tourism, marketing. Also IT, computer graphics or related majors;
  • Very good knowledge of MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint); good command of Google Workspace
  • Ability to create graphics and/or websites are an asset;
  • Ability to edit texts and conduct correspondence in English;
  • Knowledge of current issues related to international security, international relations and the defence industry;
  • High level of independence, exceptionally high commitment and conscientiousness in performing tasks;
  • Strong organisational skills;
  • Excellent interpersonal communication;
  • Impeccable manners.
  • Application process:

To apply for the volunteering program, please fill out the application form in English. The form itself takes less than 15 minutes to complete, however it requires a as attachment.

You can apply to volunteer at WSF 2024 until August 26th, 2024. Applications submitted in any other way will not be considered.

If you have any questions or doubts, please contact us by e-mail: