Warsaw Security Forum 2016 sessions are now available on YouTube!

November 22nd, 2016|

We are delighted to present the sessions form #WSF2016. Follow the link to get access to the video sessions from the most important security conference in Poland and a leading one in Europe and get critical insight into driving defence and security topcis concerning European Union and NATO.

The Latest Military Technologies and Arms Industry at the Warsaw Security Forum 2016

November 17th, 2016|

During the first day of the international conference, Warsaw security Forum 2016, a technology, arms-industry-oriented sub-conference Security Beyond the Horizon was held. In the course of the SBH, representatives of defence companies presented their most advanced products and had the possibility of taking part in discussion panels relating to the issues of Polish defence. 

Media Partners of the Warsaw Security Forum 2016!

October 17th, 2016|

The Warsaw Security Forum 2016 proudly announces its media partners, Bezpieczeństwo i Obronność, Dziennk Zbrojny, New Eastern Europe, Nowoczesna Armia (Modern Army) and Polska Zbrojna (Armed Poland), Przegląd Bałtycki and Research and Analysis Military Group.

Next insitutional partners of the Warsaw Security Forum 2016.

October 16th, 2016|

The Warsaw Security Forum 2016 proudly announces institutional partners, Slovak Security Policy Institute, Kosciuszko Institute, The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) along with cooperation of European endowment for Democracy.

WSF2016 Strategic Industrial Partner – the Polish Armaments group

October 15th, 2016|

The Warsaw Security Forum 2016 proudly announces strategic industrial partner ‘Polish Armaments group’ – A group with a vision of Strong business partnership. It’s a group of people with business vision and energy. Based on many years’ experience and expertise, it forms one of the largest defense groups in Central Europe, with an ambition to become the leading manufacturer of technologically advanced equipment for modern armies.

Proud to announce more insitutional partners!

October 9th, 2016|

The Warsaw Security Forum 2016 proudly announces institutional partners, The German Marshal Fund of the United States (GMF), Instytut Wolności (The Freedom Institute), Jagello 2000 and The International Crisis Group.

WSF2016 sponsors – PZU and Nouveau.

October 1st, 2016|

The Warsaw Security Forum 2016 proudly announces official sponsors for it’s 3rd edition Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń SA (PZU Group) and Nouveau.

he Warsaw Security Forum 2016 Institutional Partners

October 1st, 2016|

The Warsaw Security Forum 2016 proudly announces institutional partners: The Atlantic Council, Carnegie Europe, Centre for International Relations (CIR) and European Academy of Diplomacy (EAD).

First Main Media Partners of WSF2016!

September 29th, 2016|

The Warsaw Security Forum 2016 proudly announces main media partners: Defence24, Do Rzeczy, Polish Press Agency and POLITICO.

Star Alliance group as WSF2016 official air carrier

September 20th, 2016|

The Warsaw Security Forum 2016 is proud to announce Star Alliance group as our official air carrier. With a vision of Combining strength and innovation Five airlines created Star Alliance as the first global aviation alliance back in 1997. still pioneering – dedicated to innovation and excellent customer service, with a track record of success. So its customers experience the best of both worlds: absolute reliability coupled with constant innovation.

Raytheon – Strategic Sponsor

September 15th, 2016|

Warsaw Security Forum has the support of a variety of partners who contribute to the success of the event and to the idea of creating a better and secure future.

Warsaw Security Forum 2016 supported by NATO

September 15th, 2016|

Due to proven and increasing importance of the Warsaw Security Forum, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has decided to support it for the second consecutive year.