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Representatives of the Warsaw Security Forum, at the Munich Security Conference

  • Published: February 16, 2023

It is our great pleasure to inform that the Warsaw Security Forum is a partner institution of the upcoming Munich Security Conference (17-19 February 2023).

As a #MSC2023 partner, our delegation will facilitate two events among the extensive official program of the conference:

“Show of Force or Just for Show? Fostering Resilience in Europe’s North-East” – a panel featuring the President of Latvia, Prime Minister of Norway and the Minister of Defense of Germany, moderated by Prof. Katarzyna Pisarska, Chair of Warsaw Security Forum at Casimir Pulaski Foundation (Fundacja im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego).

Closed-door dinner Breaking the vicious circle: Mapping views on the exit strategy for post-Putin Russia – the official Munich Security Conference side-event organised by the Warsaw Security Forum in partnership with the ICUV – International Centre for Ukrainian Victory.

The Munich Security Conference is the world’s leading forum for debating international security policy. It is a venue for diplomatic initiatives to address the world’s most pressing security concerns. Each year it brings together about 350 senior figures from more than 70 countries around the world to engage in an intensive debate on current and future security challenges.

The Warsaw Security Forum delegation will bring an extensive Central and Eastern European perspective to the table with the high-level policy makers from around the world, particularly in the context of the ongoing war waged by the Russian Federation.





NATO Summit side-event: WSF closed door dinner

July 10th, 2024|News|

On July 9th, 2024, the Warsaw Security Forum held an official side-event to the NATO Summit in Washington D.C -  a high-level dinner entitled. “Programming for the Upcoming Challenges: Vision for NATO & Transatlantic Security 2024 & Beyond.”

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