Nikoloz Khatiashvili
Parliament of Georgia; GEOCASE; Tbilisi State University, Georgia

For more than 15 years, Nikoloz has been working in public, as well as in private sectors, including 6 years in diplomatic service. Since 2017, he is a chief of staff of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Parliament of Georgia and from 2021 – Foreign Policy Research Fellow at Think Tank “GEOCASE”. The main areas of his interests include international security, international relations and diplomacy, intelligence and counterintelligence, national security and terrorism. Prior to that, he worked in the political department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, in the Office of the State Minister for Reconciliation and Equity and other organizations. He is also works in academic field. Nikoloz is invited lecturer at Tbilisi State University, author of 12 articles and research papers and has participated in various international conferences and forums as a speaker. He holds a bachelor degree in International Economic Relations from Georgian Technical University, Master Degree in International Relations from the University of Georgia and currently is PhD candidate in International Security at Tbilisi State University. Nikoloz Khatiashvili has completed various trainings and study programs including the George Marshall European Center for Security Studies, US National Defense University, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Geneva Center for Security Policy, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, OSCE / ODIHR, College of Europe , Estonian School of Diplomacy, European Security and Defense College, Warsaw Security Forum NLS, Tbilisi School of Political Studies, Rondeli Foundation, Georgian Institute of Politics, GSAC and other institutions. He is a Board Member of US Government Exchange Program Alumni Association of Georgia (EPAG)
Nikoloz Khatiashvili
Parliament of Georgia; GEOCASE; Tbilisi State University, Georgia

For more than 15 years, Nikoloz has been working in public, as well as in private sectors, including 6 years in diplomatic service. Since 2017, he is a chief of staff of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Parliament of Georgia and from 2021 – Foreign Policy Research Fellow at Think Tank “GEOCASE”. The main areas of his interests include international security, international relations and diplomacy, intelligence and counterintelligence, national security and terrorism. Prior to that, he worked in the political department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, in the Office of the State Minister for Reconciliation and Equity and other organizations. He is also works in academic field. Nikoloz is invited lecturer at Tbilisi State University, author of 12 articles and research papers and has participated in various international conferences and forums as a speaker. He holds a bachelor degree in International Economic Relations from Georgian Technical University, Master Degree in International Relations from the University of Georgia and currently is PhD candidate in International Security at Tbilisi State University. Nikoloz Khatiashvili has completed various trainings and study programs including the George Marshall European Center for Security Studies, US National Defense University, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Geneva Center for Security Policy, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, OSCE / ODIHR, College of Europe , Estonian School of Diplomacy, European Security and Defense College, Warsaw Security Forum NLS, Tbilisi School of Political Studies, Rondeli Foundation, Georgian Institute of Politics, GSAC and other institutions. He is a Board Member of US Government Exchange Program Alumni Association of Georgia (EPAG)