Aleksandar Vanchoski
North Macedonia

Aleksandar Vanchoski is researcher in the field of EU Security and Human Rights. He has been working in several national and international organizations such as the European Commission and the OSCE. He is an active member of Civil Society Sector and has participated in many project and research activities at home and abroad. Mr. Vanchoski holds a degree in Criminology and Security. He graduated from several master programs from the field of Law, Human Rights and Social Development. He also completed a specialization in Diplomacy and Defense studies. He has a strong interest in academia and scientific work and during his academic studies he completed study and research stays at several European Universities.
Aleksandar Vanchoski
North Macedonia

Aleksandar Vanchoski is researcher in the field of EU Security and Human Rights. He has been working in several national and international organizations such as the European Commission and the OSCE. He is an active member of Civil Society Sector and has participated in many project and research activities at home and abroad. Mr. Vanchoski holds a degree in Criminology and Security. He graduated from several master programs from the field of Law, Human Rights and Social Development. He also completed a specialization in Diplomacy and Defense studies. He has a strong interest in academia and scientific work and during his academic studies he completed study and research stays at several European Universities.