Ernest Wyciszkiewicz
Director, Mieroszewski Centre, Poland

Dr. Ernest Wyciszkiewicz is Director of the Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding, now Mieroszewski Centre. Formerly Deputy Director of the Centre, Head of International Economy and Energy Security Programme and Senior Research Fellow at the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM). Graduated in international relations from the University of Łódź and the Dual Diploma Programme of the Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) and the University of Łódź in contemporary translation studies. Between 2003 and 2008, secretary of the editorial board of the Russian-language quarterly "Evropa". Author of numerous analytical studies, expert reports and articles on the energy policy of the Russian Federation, European Union-Russia relations, foreign policy of the Russian Federation and international climate negotiations, sanctions. Co-author and editor of the books "Geopolityka rurociągów. Współzależność energetyczna a relacje międzypaństwowe na obszarze postsowieckim" and "Energy Security and Climate Change: Double Challenge for Policymakers". Member of the editorial board of "AREI - Journal for Central and Easter European History and Politics" and "Polski Przegląd Dyplomatyczny".
Ernest Wyciszkiewicz
Director, Mieroszewski Centre, Poland

Dr. Ernest Wyciszkiewicz is Director of the Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding, now Mieroszewski Centre. Formerly Deputy Director of the Centre, Head of International Economy and Energy Security Programme and Senior Research Fellow at the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM). Graduated in international relations from the University of Łódź and the Dual Diploma Programme of the Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) and the University of Łódź in contemporary translation studies. Between 2003 and 2008, secretary of the editorial board of the Russian-language quarterly "Evropa". Author of numerous analytical studies, expert reports and articles on the energy policy of the Russian Federation, European Union-Russia relations, foreign policy of the Russian Federation and international climate negotiations, sanctions. Co-author and editor of the books "Geopolityka rurociągów. Współzależność energetyczna a relacje międzypaństwowe na obszarze postsowieckim" and "Energy Security and Climate Change: Double Challenge for Policymakers". Member of the editorial board of "AREI - Journal for Central and Easter European History and Politics" and "Polski Przegląd Dyplomatyczny".