Defence Track

Defence Track



Pål Jonson – Minister of Defence, Sweden

Hanno Pevkur – Minister of Defence, Estonia

Moderator: Hadley Gamble – International Journalist and Presenter, USA

Master of Ceremony: Federica D’Alessandra -Deputy Director, Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict, Oxford University, United Kingdom

Rebecca Torzone – Sector Vice President and General Manager, Combat Systems & Mission Readiness, Northrop Grumman, USA

Tomasz Siemoniak – Member of Parliament, Deputy Prime Minister (2014-2015), Minister of Defence (2011-2015), Poland

  • Babcock International –  Now More Than Ever What We Do Matters Ewa Kittel-Prejs – Country Director Poland – Babcock International Group

Anne Marie Aanerud – State Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Norway

Vice-Admiral Bob Auchterlonie – Commander of the Joint Operations Command, Canada

Anna Wieslander – Director for Northern Europe, Atlantic Council, Sweden

Vice-Admiral (R) Sir Nick Hine – Managing Director AUKUS and International, Babcock

Moderator: Jakub Godzimirski – Research Professor, NUPI, Norway

Session in partnership with The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), financed from the EEA and Norway Grants

  • Dual-use Accelerator Hub: A Space for the Exchange of Experiences – Eliza Kruczkowska – Director of Innovation and Development at Polish Development Fund
  • The Imperative of Air and Missile Defense Integration – Joseph “Gus” Guastella, Northrop Grumman

Lt. Gen. Michael Claesson – Chief of Defence Staff, Swedish Armed Forces, Sweden

Jessica Cox – Director, Nuclear Policy Directorate, Defence Policy and Planning Division, NATO

Luke Pollard – Member of Parliament, Shadow Minister for the Armed Forces, United Kingdom

Gen. (R) Tod D. Wolters – Supreme Allied Commander Europe (2019-2022), the United States

Moderator: Łukasz Kulesa – Head of Research, PISM, Poland

Elisabeth Gosselin-Malo – Europe Correspondent, Defence News

Brig. Gen. Kazimierz Dyński – Deputy Inspector of the Air Force, General Command of the Armed Forces, Poland

Reuben Johnson – Research Fellow, Casimir Pulaski Foundation

Maj. Gen. Cezary Wiśniewski – Deputy Commander, General Command of the Armed Forces, Poland

Moderator: Justin Bronk – Senior Research Fellow, Airpower & Technology Royal United Services Institute





Bilyana Lilly – Chair of the WSF Democratic Resilience Track, Researcher, RAND Corporation, USA

Master of Ceremony: Marcin Bużański – Senior Fellow, Casimir Pulaski Foundation

Anne-Marie Trevelyan – Minister of State for Indo-Pacific, United Kingdom

Lt. Gen. (R) Ben Hodges – Commander of United States Army Europe (2014-2018), USA

Jerzy Pomianowski – Executive Director, European Endowment for Democracy

Moderator: Anja Wehler-Schöck – International Editor, Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

Session in partnership with European Endowment for Democracy on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of EED

Lady Catherine Ashton – Global Fellow Woodrow Wilson Center, former EU High Representative, Vice President of the European Commission (2009-2014), United Kingdom

Eva Maydell – Member of European Parliament, Bulgaria

Barry Pavel – Vice President & Director, RAND National Security Research Division, Director of National Defense Research Institute, USA

Moderator: James Landale – Senior Diplomatic Correspondent, BBC

Marie-Doha Besancenot – Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, NATO

Reinhard Bütikofer – Member of the European Parliament, Germany

Hsu Szu-chien – Deputy Secretary General of the National Security Council, Republic of China

Nad’a Kovalčíková – Senior Analyst, Transnational Security, EU Institute for Security Studies, France

Moderator: Kasia Madera – News Anchor, BBC News

Session in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw

Dritan Abazović – Prime Minister of Montenegro, Coordinator of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Montenegro

Stephane Dion – Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to the EU and Europe, Minister of Foreign Affairs (2015-2017), Canada

Stephen Doughty – Member of Parliament, Shadow Minister for Europe, North America, and UK Overseas Territories, United Kingdom

Moderator: Anna Nalyvayko – Senior Project Officer, Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies

Session in partnership with the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies

Olha Aivazovska – Co-Founder, International Centre for Ukrainian Victory, Ukraine

John K. Glenn – Senior Director, International Forum for Democratic Studies, National Endowment for Democracy, USA

Matthias Sachs – Cybersecurity Policy Lead Europe, Google

Daniela Schwarzer – Member of the Executive Board, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Germany

Moderator: Marcin Bużański – Senior Fellow, Casimir Pulaski Foundation

Session in partnership with Google

Grzegorz Zajączkowski – Digital Champion for Poland, Ministry of Digital Affairs, Poland

Victor Zhora – Deputy Chairman and Chief Digital Transformation Officer at the State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine

Ilia Vitiuk – Head of the Department of Cyber and Information Security, Security Service of Ukraine

Moderator: Bilyana Lilly – Chair of the WSF Democratic Resilience Track, Researcher, the RAND Corporation, USA

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Rafał Trzaskowski – Mayor of Warsaw, Poland

Master of Ceremony: Terry Martin – Senior TV News Anchor

Virginijus Sinkevičius – Commissioner, Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, European Commission

Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze – Member of Parliament, Chair of the Committee on Ukraine’s Integration with the EU, Ukraine

Radosław Sikorski – Member of the European Parliament, Minister of Foreign Affairs (2007-2014), Poland

ModeratorTerry Martin – Senior TV News Anchor

Mirek Dušek – Managing Director, World Economic Forum

Natalia Pouzyreff – Member of Parliament, Defence Committee, France

Jacek Czaputowicz – Minister of Foreign Affairs (2018 – 2020), Poland

Moderator: Jan Cienski –  Senior Policy Editor, POLITICO

Oleksandra Matviichuk – Head, Centre for Civil Liberties, Nobel Peace Prize Winner (2022), Ukraine

Moderator: Ali Aslan – International Presenter & Journalist, Germany

Gen. Rajmund Andrzejczak – Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces, Poland

Adm. Rob Bauer – Chair of the NATO Military Committee, NATO

Tytti Tuppurainen – Member of Parliament, Chair of Foreign Affairs Committee, Finland

Moderator: Michał Baranowski – Managing Director, GMF East & Regional Director, Poland

Session in the partnership with the German Marshall Fund of the US

Session supported by NATO

Philip Gordon – National Security Advisor to the Vice President of the US

Moderator: Katarzyna Pisarska – Chair, Warsaw Security Forum

Tobias Ellwood – Member of Parliament, United Kingdom

Theresa Fallon – Founder & Director, Centre for Russia Europe Asia Studies (CREAS), Belgium

Vladimir Milov – Member of Democratic Opposition, Associate of Alexey Navalny, Russia

Dietmar Nietan – Member of Parliament, Coordinator of German‑Polish Intersocietal and Cross‑Border Cooperation, Germany

Moderator: Florence Gaub – Director, Research Division, Defence College, NATO

Session in the partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Germany

Lynn Kuok – Shangri-La  Dialogue Senior Fellow, International Institute for Strategic Studies

Samir Saran – President, Observer Research Foundation, India

Anne-Marie Trevelyan – Minister of State for Indo-Pacific, United Kingdom

Moderator: Małgorzata Bonikowska – President, Centre for International Relations Foundation, Poland

Session in the partnership with the Centre for International Relations Foundation, Poland

Opening remarks: Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya – Leader of the Democratic Opposition, Belarus

Anne Applebaum – Staff Writer, The Atlantic, USA

Toomas Hendrik Ilves – President of Estonia (2006-2016), Estonia

Garry Kasparov – Russian Opposition Leader, Russia

Linas Linkevičius – Minister of Foreign Affairs (2012 – 2020), Lithuania

ModeratorChristoph von Marschall – Diplomatic Correspondent, Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

Session in the partnership with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Germany

The Warsaw Security Forum 2023 live streaming

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Ed Arnold – Research Fellow for European Security, Royal United Services Institute, United Kingdom

Sir Mark Carleton-Smith – Chief of the General Staff (2018-2022), United Kingdom

Anna Clunes – His Majesty’s Ambassador to Poland, United Kingdom

Lord Coaker – Shadow Spokesperson for Defence, House of Lords, United Kingdom

John Raine – Senior Adviser for Geopolitical Due Diligence, International Institute for Strategic Studies

Moderator: Charles Clarke – Home Secretary (2004-2006), United Kingdom

Session in the partnership with the University of Cambridge, Centre for Geopolitics, United Kingdom

Welcome remarks: Lt. Gen. Benoît Durieux – Director, IHEDN, France

Benoît Guidee – Director for Asia & Oceania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France

Natalia Pouzyreff – Member of Parliament, Defence Committee, France

Linas Linkevičius – Minister of Foreign Affairs (2012 – 2020), Lithuania

Moderator: Florence Gaub – Director, Research Division, Defence College, NATO

Session in the partnership with the Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN), France

Reinhard Krumm – Head of FES Office for the Baltic States, Germany

Dietmar Nietan – Member of Parliament, Coordinator of German‑Polish Intersocietal and Cross‑Border Cooperation, Germany

Andrzej Szejna – Member of Parliament, Poland

Lubomír Zaorálek – Minister of Foreign Affairs (2014-2017), Czech Republic

Moderator: Anja Wehler-Schöck – International Editor, Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

Session in the partnership with the  Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Germany

Opening Remarks:

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya – Leader of the Belarus Democratic Opposition, Belarus


Stephen Doughty – Member of Parliament, Shadow Minister for Europe, North America, and UK Overseas Territories, United Kingdom

Alina Koushyk – United Transitional Cabinet Representative for National Revival, Belarus Democratic Opposition

Michael Carpenter – US Ambassador to the OSCE, USA

Moderator: Bart Kot – Programme Director, Warsaw Security Forum

Opening remarks: Iulian Fota – Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Romania

Kate Byrnes – Civilian Deputy and Foreign Policy Advisor to U.S. European Command, USA

Basat Öztürk – Director General for International Security Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Türkiye

Paweł Soloch – Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Romania, National Security Advisor to the President (2015-2022), Poland

Grigol Vashadze – Member of Parliament, Georgia

Andriy Zagorodnyuk – Minister of Defence (2019-2020), Ukraine

Dragomir Zakov – Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister, Bulgaria

Moderator: George Scutaru – Founder & CEO of the New Strategy Center, Romania

Session in the partnership with the New Strategy Centre, Romania

Supported by the Black Sea Trust, a Project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States

Opening remarks: Stephen Doughty – Member of Parliament, Shadow Minister for Europe, North America, and UK Overseas Territories, United Kingdom

Khatia Dekanoidze – Member of Parliament, Georgia

Pavel Havlicek – Research Fellow, Association for International Affairs (AMO.CZ), Czech Republic

Yelyzaveta Yasko – Member of Parliament, Ukraine

Žygimantas Pavilionis – Member of Parliament, Lithuania

Kira Rudyk – Member of Parliament, Chair of Political Party Golos, Ukraine

Michał Szczerba – Member of Parliament, Acting President of NATO Parliamentary Assembly,  Poland

Moderator: Bart Kot – Programme Director, Warsaw Security Forum




WORKING FORMATS (by personal invitation only)

Welcome Remarks: 

Katarzyna Pisarska – Chair, Warsaw Security Forum

Rebecca Torzone – Sector Vice President and General Manager, Combat Systems & Mission Readiness, Northrop Grumman, USA


Thórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörd Gylfadóttir – Minister for Foreign Affairs, Iceland

Kajsa Ollongren – Minister of Defence, The Netherlands

Anne-Marie Trevelyan – Minister of State for Indo-Pacific, United Kingdom

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya – Leader of the Belarus Democratic Opposition, Belarus

Irene Fellin – Secretary General’s Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security, NATO

Mariia Ionova – Member of Parliament, Co-founder of the Ukrainian Women Congress, Member of the Board of the International Women Democrat Union, Ukraine

Discussion led by:

Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff – Guido Goldman Distinguished Scholar for Geostrategy, German Marshall Fund of the US, Germany

Bart M.J. Szewczyk – Visiting Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the US, Brussels

Session in partnership with the German Marshall Fund of the US

Ed Arnold – Research Fellow for European Security, Royal United Services Institute, United Kingdom

Peter Beyer – Member of Parliament, Germany

Goran Buldioski – Acting Executive Director, Open Society – Europe and Central Asia

Lt. Gen. Benoît Durieux – Director, IHEDN, France

Benedikta von Seherr-Thoss – Managing Director of Common Security and Defence Policy, European External Action Service

Moderator: Wojciech Przybylski – Editor-In-Chief, Visegrad Insight, Poland

Session in partnership with the Visegrad Insight

Session organised in partnership with the Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces

Session organised as a part of WSF High-Level Group on Cyber Resilience

Discussion with the Special Guest:

Lt. Gen. (R) Ben Hodges – Commander of United States Army Europe (2014-2018), USA

Session in partnership with the Manfred Wörner Seminar, Bundeswehr Centre for Public Affairs